
60 Acre Home Site

There is a 60 Acre plot of land on Hwy 231 in North Bay County that is for sale. This property was once owned by a developer and already has partial infrastructure installed. This would be a good place to purchase and develop an affordable community using one of the building techniques captured already (ie. container homes or 3D printed homes).

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Affordable Housing

4. First, create policies that REQUIRE affordable housing to be included integrally in all major new developments over a threshold of the # units called for by affordable housing advocates. Distribute affordable housing across the county.Second, investigate feasibility of innovative approaches like creating a Tiny House community (there is one in Tallahassee).
Third, investigate mechanisms by which renders of AH can build wealth-rent to own, etc.
Fourth, set up an empowered Task Force to stick with this issue to investigate and implement most viable options.

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Affordable Housing Development Lending Fund

The majority of affordable housing projects never start because an organization whose focus is affordable housing development often do not have early funding to finance land purchase and/or soft costs. Subsiding just some of the potential lost could get financial institutions and/or national non-profits to invest in a fund which could speed up and increase

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