Conduct a systematic process engaging the whole community as appropriate in the development of executable strategic, operational, and/or tactical- level approaches to meet defined objectives.
Branch Lead: Ian Crelling
Branch ideas
Electric Car Charging Stations for Multi-Family Housing and Gas Stations
Require new multi-family housing developments (apartments and townhomes without garages) and gas stations to add electric car charging stations. With the price of electric cars going down, the number of electric cars will continue to increase. Many apartments and townhome communities do not have access to car charging stations or the ability as a renter or homeowner to install one. For developments that have common spaces, and a large concentration of residents, the need for car charging stations will continue to increase. If not mandatory, maybe this project could be attached to some type of incentive.
Business Signage
Proibit businesses from using vehicles as their Permanent Business Sign. Many businesses throughout the county park broken down vehicles near the road to advertise their businesses. Most of these vehicle signs are not maintained and become dilapidated very quickly. In order to build a better looking Bay Counyt, a low hanging fruit project would be to prohibit this type of signage.
Public Green Space
Create low maintenance green spaces on public property. This can be done on right of ways, existing parks, parking lots, bridges, along sidewalks, street corners, walls and other public property, using trees, bushes, vines, flowers, etc.
Healthy Bay
Improve stormwater run off so to lessen the amount of stormwater that runs directly into the bay. Intiiate programs that help create a cleaner bay through prevention, monitoring and maintenance.
Removal of active sewer lines along the bay shore.
There is a stretch of sewer lines with manholes that runs along the bay shore west of Michigan and south of 16th Street. Sewage should be rerouted away from the Bay’s edge. Untreated dewage has discharged from the manhole on numerous occassions, including over several days after Hurricane Michael.
City of Mexico Beach Comprehensive Plan to update and address post storm issues
Update comprehensive plan to address necessary changes to the Land Development Code related to post storm planning issues.
Hurricane affected Properties Acquisition
Complete acquisition of properties affected by Hurricane Michael and funded with HMGP Grant.
Redevelopment Plans Analysis of Hazard Vulnerability
When prepaing or reviewing redvelopment plans, include an analysis of hazard vulnerability when considering appropriate locations for increased densities and intensities.
FEMA GIS Mapping
Post flooding events, using damage assessments and geospatial analysis, identify areas that have been repeatedly flooded or are significantly impacted by recent floods . Evaluate them for designation as “adaption action areas” or for implementation of appropriate sea level rise adaption strategies to ensure long-term mitigation.
Historic Building Mapping Project
Develop and maintain a system to “flag” historically signficant properties.
Triage Housing Projects
Triage housing projects from Hurricane Michael damage assessment and repair, elevaute or demolish according to property condition and location
Historic Building Restoration Tookit
Develop a resourse toolkit for property owners with organizations, suppliers, etc. who can assist in the restoration and mitigation of historic propertyies.
Transfer of Development Rights Project
Consider Transfer of Devleopment Rights as an option to encourage relocation out of areas that are hightly vulnerable to disaster hazards.
Energy Resiliency Project
Identify and collaborate with Green-build certified organizations that can help brin in energy efficient concepts into the rebuilding process. These organizations include LEED, FGBC
Building Codes Enhancement
Work with Code Enforcement to enhance the capacity to deal with post-disaster blight and unfit/unsafe structures.
Land Acquisition and Easement Conservation Project
Acquire lands and conservation easments to help protect natural habitats, resources ad connect natural linkages. Enchance recreational opportunities and expand environmental education.
Pre-Disaster and Post-Disaster Recovery Plan
Pre and post-disaster education on temporary permitting procedures that will be in effec post-disaster
Long-Term Community Recovery Plan
Redevelopment efforts of the County, its cities, and Community Redevelopment Agencies could all be coordinated and aligned with their post-disaster redevelopment comprehensive plan goals.
Post-Disaster Recovery Plan
Review existing capability for recovering and redeveloping from major disasters. Address additional capability required to meet post-disaster needs, and opportunities to enhance or improve existing policies to proactively deal with post disaster needs.
Relocate Fuel Dock
Relocate the Fuel Depot at Beach Drive and 6th Street to the industrial park at Sherman Ave or the Port. The current location is not consistent with planned redevelopment. Fuel trucks are not suited for operation on streets downtown and better served in an industrial site where that infrastructure is already in place. The depot […]