Stabilize critical infrastructure functions, minimize health and safety threats, and efficiently restore and revitalize systems and services to support a viable, resilient community.
Branch Lead: Keith Bryant
Branch ideas
Equip additional county facilities with building-wide backup generators (all fire stations, library, entire county admin building, etc.)
Install additional generators on County facilities.
Tethered Aerostats for Emergency Response
Aerostats could be tremendously useful as surveillance and communications platforms after the loss of communications. Each can be unreeled to a desired altitude on a synthetic tether about the diameter of a school pencil. When necessary, the tether can house fiber optic strands to download data from the payloads without risk of interference and copper wires to deliver power to the payloads. An aerostat at 500 feet above ground will give a radio nearly 50-kilometer line-of-sight range to the horizon; that exceeds the range of most radio payloads commonly used by field operators.?
Panama City, Fire Station #5 Wind Retrofit (+generator)
?Fire Station # 5 is a one-story critical Facility constructed in 1986. The proposed project will serve to reduce future deaths and damage from high winds by upgrading the existing facility and retrofitting the structure to protect the integrity of the building envelope. This project will entail a roof retrofit, installation of impact-resistant glass, shutters, and hurricane-resistant bay doors. A generator will also be installed to power the roll-up shutters and ensure continuous power throughout the stations.
Panama City, Fire Station #3 Wind Retrofit (+generator)
?Fire Station #3 is a one-story critical facility constructed in 1976. The proposed project will serve to upgrade the existing site to reduce future deaths and damage from high winds by upgrading the existing facility and retrofitting the structure to protect the integrity of the building envelope. The project will consist of a roof retrofit, installation of building opening protections and hurricane resistant apparatus bay doors. A generator will also be installed to power the roll-up shutters and ensure continuous power throughout the stations.
Panama City Extension of Sanitary Sewer to Underserved Areas
?This project will construct sanitary sewer collection lines to areas in Panama City and adjacent to Panama City that are not currently served by sanitary sewer lines. The project will also implement house-to-sewer connections in areas with existing lines.
Panama City Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program
?This project will define and implement a series of stormwater management and drainage improvement projects to reduce flooding and improve water quality throughout the City.
Panama City Utilities Lift Station Hardening and Resiliency
?This project will install, as needed, the infrastructure to quickly access and implement bypass pumping if the lift station were to lose power or function in another manner.
Panama City Hospital Facility Resiliency Project
?This project includes the construction of potable water ground storage tanks, pumping systems, and backup power to continue flow of potable water to both Panama City hospitals in the event of loss of water from current infrastructure.
Panama City Underground Utility Replacement and Upgrades
?Replacement of old and out of date utility infrastructure with modern materials using improved standards. Utilities included in this project include sanitary sewer, potable water, electrical, and communications.
Panama City Emergency Operations Center and Emergency Services Headquarters
?The City will construct a multipurpose building to house the emergency operations activities of the City during an event and emergency services during normal operations.
Millville Wastewater Treatment Plant Relocation
Move it off the waterfront to an inland industrial area.
Deerpoint Lake Protection Zone Septic to Centralized Sewer
This project consists of providing a centralized sewer system within the western portion of the Deerpoint Lake Protection zone. The installation of this project will also provide the backbone for future phases of septic to sewer transition.
Springfield Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water Systems Rehabilitation
?Project consists of the replacement of the City’s problematic components of its sewer collection and water distribution systems which experience frequent failures, incur high maintenance costs, and many of which are over fifty years old and some of which were damaged by uprooted trees as a result of Hurricane Michael.
ROW Acquisition & Construction of East Avenue Improvements
FDOT has funded a PD&E study to improve East Avenue but the ROW and construction phases are not funded.
Continuation of East Bay Parkway to Wildwood Road.
Creation of an additional east-west roadway servicing Bay County and Panama City Beach from Hathaway Bridge to SR 79.
Presently, this area is served by one main travel corridor, US 98. After the storm major congestion resulted and impacted evacuation, access to emergency vehicles, 1st responders, etc. Another route will be instrumental in recovery process.
Elevated pedestrian structures on Back Beach Road/US 98.
The construction of pedestrian structures on Back Beach Road and US 98.
This project would allow pedestrians to safely cross US 98 without the risk of conflict with vehicles on US 98. This would further increase the efficiency of US 98 by not forcing vehicles to stop for pedestrian traffic.
Bike Path/boardwalk between downtown & St Andrews
Better bike paths. The beachside of Beach Dr could now become home to a boardwalk that provides a pathway between downtown and St Andrews.
Improvements for School Bus Routes
Paving, lighting and bus stop shelters.
These improvements will reduce risks concerning school bus program safety and security, weather sensitivity, bus schedule delays, tripping and falling injuries, and bus damage due to recurring road washouts and potholes.
Accelerate Dirt Road Paving
Accelerate dirt road paving where possible. The county has made significant progress in the last decade. What would it take to finish?
CRA Storm Water Improvements and Storm Hardening-Segment 4.1 and Segment 4.2.
Provide storm water treatment and attenuation in road rights of way located in the Segment 4.1 and 4.2 CRA District. Storm hardening measures with undergrounding all overhead utilities in Segment 4.1and 4.2 CRA District.
This project will reduce pollution to the Gulf of Mexico, minimize flooding to the transportation grid and adjacent property, and protect power and communication during sever weather events from falling trees, extreme winds, and airborne objects.
Restoration of County’s stormwater channels
Existing County’s stormwater channels have been impacted by hurricane Michael and require restoration to include stabilization of eroded/regraded slopes. The majority of the stormwater channels connect to St Andrews Bay system. Stabilization of side slopes is critical for water quality of our watersheds.
Trolley System
The trolley system needs to be upgraded to more of a bus line system. More trolleys/buses, pickup/drop off spots, and it needs a better schedule to be more effective for people.
Re-evaluating Bay Town Trolley Routes Post-Hurricane
We are proposing a project to re-evaluate timing of routes, use of routes, and location of routes given the transition of population centers.
Hardened sports center at Frank Brown Park
?Construct a hardened sports center at Frank Brown Park to act as shelter after the storm?.
Construct hardened records facility with space for key public works staff during emergency. Facility will act as COOP for EOC (equipped with backup power and hardened communication system).
Facility will act as COOP for EOC (equipped with backup power and hardened communication system).
Consolidated Communications/ 911 Center
Propose a consolidated 911/ Dispatch facility capable of handling all 911 demand and dispatch of police, fire and EMS resources.
Grand Lagoon Public Boat Ramps
Identify and develop new locations for boat ramp access with adequate trailer parking in the Grand Lagoon area. Where possible, would be great to incorporate some basic amenities such as bathroom, picnic tables, etc. Increasing boat ramp access with adequate parking will improve the quality of life for residents and visitors, as there is currently […]
Bury utilities, add separate bike/pedestrian path (30A style) and install adequate lighting on the full length of Thomas Drive (Hwy. 98 to Joan Ave). Use funds currently earmarked for Thomas Drive culvert project to leverage grant/recovery funding and coordinate with Sewer Expansion project for efficiency and to leverage additional funding. As the primary road of […]
Wind Retrofit Hardening of Existing Majette Yard Facilities
Wind Retrofit Hardening of Existing Majette Yard Facilities • Roads & Bridges Administration Building • Roads & Bridges Fleet Shop • Traffic Sign Shop • Mosquito Control
Wind Retrofit Hardening of Existing County Fuel Depots (Majette & 9th St)
Wind Retrofit Hardening of Existing County Fuel Depots (Majette & 9th St) • Construct canopies to Miami-Dade wind load standards. • Install backup generators to provide emergency power for lighting, fuel pumps and Fuelmaster pedestal. • Provide wireless connectivity capability for Fuelmaster pedestal.
Wildfire Property Protection
Plans need to be made to protect property from potential wildfires. With forest and timberlands damaged as they are, it is primed for wildfires. Plans need to be made to clean up these areas of the large amounts of dead and dying trees. Fire protection methods need to be established now. Additionally, in just a […]
West Side Water Treatment Plant
Construct a water treatment plant on the west side of Deerpoint Lake to provide potable water to the west side of Bay County and Panama City. Currently there is a single water line from the Deerpoint Reservoir to the existing water plant from which all citizens receive their water. Currently there is a single water […]
Tyndall Parkway through Tyndall Air Force Base
The Florida Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the U.S. Department of Defense at Tyndall Air Force Base, is making improvements to SR 30 (US 98) Tyndall Parkway through Tyndall Air Force Base in Bay County. The project (Project No. 431684-1) involves a one-mile segment of US 98 centered […]
Traffic concerns throughout the county
After the storm, North-South was our biggest challenge in town. East-West I believe is being addressed through the fly-overs. While there was an east-west challenge, it was due to literally everyone relocating to the beach and commuting back and forth. Outside of commute times, we could traverse east-west. North-south stayed a challenge at all times. […]
Thomas Drive Flyover Phase 2
FDOT design project – Improve traffic congestion before and after an event.
Get information out to debris removal companies and to the public, to tarp their loads of debris before travel. This will help ensure the roadways and vehicles on the roadway, remain safe and help keep debris out of the roadway.
Stream restoration at all impacted crossings
Stream restoration at all impacted crossings to improve culvert sizes and do natural channel design to stabilize stream banks as far up and downstream as needed. In other words, don’t just fix the culvert and ignore ongoing stream instability.
Smart City/Connected Intersections
The procurement and installation of hardware at traffic signals around Bay County to prepare for vehicle to infrastructure communications. This will include connected vehicles, emergency traffic signal preemption, and any other safety or efficiency improvements. These projects will enhance the safety and efficiency of the movement of the traveling public around Bay County.
Sewer Line expansion/Improvement through Tyndall that leads to Mexico Beach
The sewer line for Mexico Beach that runs through Tyndall needs to be expanded/improved. Growth in Mexico Beach prior to Michael caused there to be a serious strain on the system.
Septic System Incentive Program
Incentive program (perhaps under a new state program now being considered in legislature) to connect all septic systems in the areas hardest hit by the storm to sewer lines.
Separate transmission line into the base for electrical needs
Securing a separate electrical transmission line into the base for its electric needs – currently it has service by two separate entities but they come in on the same lines.
Road Improvements for School Bus Routes
Paving, lighting and bus stop shelters. These improvements will reduce risks concerning school bus program safety and security, weather sensitivity, bus schedule delays, tripping and falling injuries, and bus damage due to recurring road washouts and potholes.
Retrofit County Fire Station/EMS Station Truck Bay Doors
Retrofit County Fire Station/EMS Station Truck Bay Doors • All doors retrofitted to accordion type doors similar to existing doors at West End Fire Dept. to meet Miami-Dade wind load standards.
Restoration of County’s stormwater channels
Existing County’s stormwater channels have been impacted by hurricane Michael and require restoration to include stabilization of eroded/regraded slopes. The majority of the stormwater channels connect to St Andrews Bay system. Stabilization of side slopes is critical for water quality of our watersheds.
Removal of active sewer lines along the bay shore
There is a stretch of sewer line with manholes that runs along the bay shore West of Michigan and south of 16th St. Sewage should be rerouted away from the bay’s edge. Untreated sewage has discharged from the manhole on numerous occasions, including over several days after Hurricane Michael. This project would result in a […]
Regional Stormwater Management Facilities
Provide a series of regional stormwater management facilities (RSMF) throughout the county and municipalities to provide for the treatment and management of stormwater for existing and future development including commercial areas, residential neighborhoods, and roadways. The RSMF will receive and treat stormwater runoff, there thereby improving environmental quality in the area’s bays, bayous, creeks, and […]
Re-evaluting Bay Town Trolley Routes Post-Hurricane
We are proposing a project to re-evaluate timing of routes, use of routes, and location of routes given the transition of population centers.
Providing or assisting municipalities with dedicated infrastructure or looped infrastructure to critical facilities (i.e., EOC, hospitals, military bases, etc.)
Project would protect critical infrastructure
Protecting our Bay, Improving our Economy, and Beautifying Bay County!
Let’s put the “GREEN” into flood control! Create structures to mimic natural water filtration processes, use natural wildlife habitat (such as Panama City crayfish lands) and absorb flood waters via “Green Street Practices”—a term deemed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (https://www.epa.gov). Permitting and financial incentives at the County and City levels can inspire developers […]
Policies to Reduce Impervious Surfaces
Adopt policies about reducing impervious surfaces and begin conversion to pervious surfaces in key watersheds that are directly affecting the bay.
PCB Laguna Beach Sewer System
Over 1,250 residential homes and vacant lots in the Laguna Beach community near the Gulf would be served by a new gravity sewer system in unincorporated Bay County, eliminating the necessity of septic tanks from the area. Residents will be provided a means to eliminate the use of septic tanks, reducing the environmental impacts on […]
Panama City Beach East-West Water Connection
The Bay County Water Treatment Plant supplies potable water to the City of Panama City Beach by way of two main points of delivery, St. Andrews Bay at Hathaway Bridge and West Bay at SR 79. PC Beach’s current retail water infrastructure does not support supplying potable water to eastern PC Beach from West Bay […]
New Fire Stations (Unincorporated Bay County)
Stations needed for current call volume and protection of life, property and environment.
N.Glades and Hombre Drainage Improvements
This project includes, but is not limited to the construction of 5764 FL channel improvements including the construction of a single lane timber bridge crossing, sodding, seed and mulch, riprap, erosion control, earthwork. This project could help alleviate some of the flooding for 100 year rainfall events within the Glades basin. This improvement along with […]
Lifeline Drug Treatment Dormitory
Construction of a 5000 s/f medium security stand-alone dormitory at the Bay County Jail to house the Lifeline Drug Treatment Program. The program is currently housed in a pod at the main jail. The stand-alone facility will allow for the expansion of the program, and facilitate the delivery in a more rehabilitative environment. Due to […]
Increased Communications Fiber Redundancy and Reliability
Install buried fiber along separate routes–one via Pensacola and one via Tallahassee. Current fiber links are both along Hwy 20 right-of-way, east to Tallahassee. Separate redundant routes will reduce risk of mass communications service loss and improve data management efficiency via routing options.
High speed internet for all of Bay County and super high speed internet for High Tech Industrial Park
Provide high speed internet to rural communities.
Healthy St. Andrews Bay
Improve stormwater runoff so to lessen the amount of stormwater that runs directly into the bay. Initiate programs that help create a cleaner bay through prevention, monitoring and maintenance. A healthier bay makes for a more attractive community for tourists and potential residents.
Hardening of Bay County traffic signal system
Replace span wire intersections with mast arms and cut loops at all intersections.
Hardened records & Emergency Operations Center Continuity of Operations (COOP)
Construct hardened records facility at Majette, with space for key public works staff during emergencies. The facility would also act as a COOP facility for the Emergency Operations Center and will be equipped with backup power and a hardened communication system.
Gulf Coast/West Bay Parkway (Advancement)
Gulf Coast/West Bay Parkway provides a belt circle through the County from Mexico Beach to West Bay. The project provides greater mobility, evacuation routes, reduce congestion, improves safety, improves mobility of 1st responders during and after a storm event.
Gulf Coast Parkway
Construct an arterial highway from Port St. Joe and Mexico Beach to U.S. 231 north of Panama City Distribution Center. Enhance transportation connection to Gulf County and eastern Bay County promoting increased development. Provide a by-pass to Tyndall AFB reducing traffic congestion and conflicts with Tyndall AFB operations. Provide greater evacuation route capacity.
Grand Lagoon Sewer System
Project builds upon the previously-completed first phase of a program to provide a centralized wastewater system to eliminate septic tanks in the environmentally- sensitive Grand Lagoon estuary. Seven independent phases are contemplated. This program will provide for protection and long-term improvement of the Grand Lagoon estuary water quality. Improved water quality enhances the attraction and […]
Expand and Improve Emergency Shelters Operations
Develop additional sheltering facilities besides Bay District Schools and staff emergency shelters with trained personnel from outside the local area. Additional non-school shelters supervised by trained outside manpower will better ensure that Bay County sheltering capacity and capability meets community needs.
Equip additional county facilities with building-wide backup generators (all fire stations, library, entire county admin building, etc.)
Install additional generators on County facilities.
EMS Stations
EMS stations need to be located strategically throughout all of Bay County, including municipalities. EMS units can be stationed within fire stations or housed in stand-alone structures. None of the existing County or City infrastructure has capacity for the EMS units and associated crews.
Emergency Vehicle Signal Preemption
Emergency Vehicle Signal Priority would give first responders signal priority when approaching traffic signals during an emergency. This would allow for faster response and reduce the potential for emergency vehicle accidents during response.
Emergency Staging Areas
Purchase property for use as staging area during emergencies.
Elevated pedestrian structures on Back Beach Road/US 98
The construction of pedestrian structures on Back Beach Road and US 98. This project would allow pedestrians to safely cross US 98 without the risk of conflict with vehicles on US 98. This would further increase the efficiency of US 98 by not forcing vehicles to stop for pedestrian traffic.
Electric Car Charging Stations
As electric cars are becoming more popular, the ability to charge your vehicle is crucial. Many campus environments such as the military bases and colleges have them for internal vehicles but there are very few in the community. If charging stations were available at strategic locations throughout the county, both our visitors and locals alike […]
East Terminal Expansion
The project includes a 550′ extension of the existing berth and 200,000 square foot Forest Products warehouse and related rail yard expansion.
Dirt Roads Stabilization
Stabilization of existing Bay County’s dirt roadways and construction of roadside swales for stormwater treatment. The purpose of this project is to improve water quality of St. Andrews Bay System by eliminating the source of sedimentation and reducing nitrification of watersheds through stabilization of dirt roads and installation of adequate roadside drainage system.
Crosswind Runway at Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP)
Crosswind Runway at ECP to further develop aviation opportunities in our Region. The crosswind runway is a planned 7,500 ft. runway located at ECP, which would allow additional access to the airport in differing weather conditions. The runway would facilitate airport development on the east side of the airport and would allow for continued aviation […]
Critical Facility Utility and Communication Infrastructure
Establish and maintain dedicated and/or redundant utility and communication infrastructure to critical facilities such as Emergency Operations Centers, Hospitals, Shelters and Government Facilities. As witnessed during Hurricane Michael; critical facilities, such as Emergency Operations Centers, Hospitals, Shelters and Government Facilities were unable to provide necessary services due to the lack of power, water, wastewater and […]
CRA Storm Water Improvements and Storm Hardening-Segment 4.1 and Segment 4.2
Provide storm water treatment and attenuation in road rights of way located in the Segment 4.1 and 4.2 CRA District. Storm hardening measures with undergrounding all overhead utilities in Segment 4.1and 4.2 CRA District. This project will reduce pollution to the Gulf of Mexico, minimize flooding to the transportation grid and adjacent property, and protect […]
CRA Storm Water Improvements and Storm Hardening-Segment 4.1
Provide storm water treatment and attenuation in road rights of way located in the Segment 4.1 CRA District. Storm hardening measures with undergrounding all overhead utilities in Segment 4.1 CRA District. This project will reduce pollution to the Gulf of Mexico, minimize flooding to the transportation grid and adjacent property, and protect power and communication […]
CRA Storm Water Improvements and Storm Hardening
Provide storm water treatment and attenuation in all road rights of way located in the CRA District. Storm hardening measures with undergrounding all overhead utilities in the CRA District.
Countywide off-road bicycle network
Construct a series of off-road bicycle paths.
Countywide Ditch & Creek Clearing & Maintenance
Most ditches and creeks are in need of clearing for pre- and post- hurricane issues to include access for reoccurring maintenance. Clear drainage will eliminate potential flooding for future events.
County-wide optical infrastructure to connect to Florida Lambdarail (FLR)
Install optical infrastructure capable of working at and through FLR which would be available to both the public and private sectors. Promote economic development and enhance operations of public institutions including military installations.
Continuation of East Bay Parkway to Wildwood Road
Creation of an additional east-west roadway servicing Bay County and Panama City Beach from Hathaway Bridge to SR 79. Presently, this area is served by one main travel corridor, US 98. After the storm major congestion resulted and impacted evacuation, access to emergency vehicles, 1st responders, etc. Another route will be instrumental in recovery process.
Container Terminal Expansion
The project takes advantage of the new Port capacity at the East Terminal to expand the container handling capacity at the West Terminal. It includes a third container handling crane, additional container storage, additional racks for refrigerated containers, additional chassis parking, a new container freight station, and an expanded interchange gate.
Construction of a North Bay Bridge
Option to construct a North Bay Bridge. One that cuts across from the foot of Hathaway (west side) and across the Bay to the north end of Bailey Bridge or there about. This could have a huge impact on traffic especially those needing to go north bound and would cut out all of the “in […]
Consolidated Communications/911 Center
911 / Dispatch facility capable of handling all 911 demand and dispatch of police, fire and EMS resources.
Conservation, Recreation and Flood Protection
Permanent protection and management of 2,000 acres of targeted forests, fields, and wetlands will simultaneously benefit the Panama City Crayfish (PCC) and will remove regulation, provide flood protection for the community, and filter water that feeds our bay. 1) Removes the PCC from the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) which removes ESA permitting for development; […]
Community centers
We need better community centers. These could be tied in with community gardens and would help them become more of a center.
Cleaning and Clearing Bus Stops
We are in the process of evaluating and documenting the damaged sustained by the Bay Town Trolley Bus Stops and how to better maintain the safety and cleanliness in light of all the hurricane debris and trash being dumped at the trolley stops. We are also evaluating replacement of shelters and benches. 1) Clearing and […]
Bring Back the Stars!—via Reduction of Light Pollution
Through example and incentives, Cities and the County can begin to reduce unnecessary night light pollution by following FWC’s document labeled “Rebuild with Wildlife in Mind” (attached) and examples given on International Dark-Sky Associations (https://www.darksky.org) website. At minimum switching from higher color temperature to a lower color temperature light as they are less harsh and […]
Bike Paths
Better bike paths. The beachside of Beach Dr could now become home to a boardwalk that provides a pathway between downtown and St Andrews.
BCSO Training Facility/Law Enforcement Command Post and high-value vehicle storage
Project to replace structures damaged by Hurricane Michael for the purpose of housing law enforcement specialty vehicles and equipment as well as a classroom/Emergency Operations Center for law enforcement training and operations. The Bay County Sheriff’s Office is located at 3421 Highway 77 on the border of Panama City and Lynn Haven. Structures in this […]
Bay Parkway Phase 2
A two lane rural roadway connecting Bay Parkway Segment 1 terminus at North Pier Park Drive to the terminus at Nautilus Street. Stormwater facilities with the associated structures and piping, underground utilities, lighting, multi-use trail and bike lane. This project is anticipated to divert approx. 4,800 weekday trips and 6,100 weekend trips from the already […]
Bay County Water Treatment Plant Critical Structures Hardening
Harden critical structures at the Bay County Water Treatment Plant to withstand wind loads of up to 184 mph (Miami-Dade code). As a result of Hurricane Michael many critical structures at the Water Treatment Plant we severely damaged or destroyed, compromising human safety and the highly sensitive and expensive equipment contained within. Hardening these structure […]
Bay County Utility Remote Sites Communication and Telemetry
Install communication and telemetry at all water and wastewater remote sites including pumping stations, storage tanks, and lift stations. This project will allow the water and wastewater treatment plants to communicate and control the remote sites at all times. Specifically during storms, allow water and wastewater pumping stations to continue to move water and wastewater […]
Bay County Subaqueous Raw Water Main at Deerpoint Dam
Design and construct a new subaqueous raw water main underneath Deerpoint Reservoir at the Deerpoint Dam. The existing raw water main was installed on the dam structure and transports raw water from Econfina Pumping Station to the Water Treatment Plant. The proposed subaqueous water main will provide redundancy at this critical water crossing to ensure […]
Bay County Subaqueous Potable Water Main at Hathaway Bridge
Design and construct a new subaqueous potable water main underneath St. Andrews Bay at Hathaway Bridge. The existing water main was installed inside of the bridge during its construction in 2003 and supplies all potable water to eastern Panama City Beach. As a result of bridge movement, the water main is failing. The proposed subaqueous […]
Bay County Subaqueous Potable Water Main at Dupont Bridge
Design and construct a new subaqueous potable water main underneath East Bay at Dupont Bridge. The existing water main was installed on the bridge structure in 1966 and supplies all potable water to Tyndall Air Force Base and Mexico Beach. The proposed subaqueous water main will ensure the delivery of potable water and the viability […]
Bay County Septic to Sewer – Deerpoint Lake Protection Zone
This project consists of providing a centralized sewer system within the western portion of the Deerpoint Lake Protection zone. The installation of this project will also provide the backbone for future phases of septic to sewer transition.
Bay County North Bay Water Treatment Plant
Design and construct a new 30 MGD water treatment plant in the northwestern area of the county. The current Water Treatment Plant is a 60 MGD treatment facility located on Transmitter Road. Bay County’s Water Treatment Plant is the sole producer of all treated drinking water for Panama City Beach, Panama City, Springfield, Callaway, Parker, […]
Bay County North Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant Critical Structures Hardening
Harden critical structures at the North Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant to withstand wind loads of up to 184 mph (Miami-Dade code). As a result of Hurricane Michael many critical structures at the North Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant were severely damaged or destroyed, compromising human safety and the highly sensitive and expensive equipment contained within. Hardening […]
Bay County North Bay Additional Water Storage
Design and construct additional treated water ground storage tanks in the north and western areas of the county. Additional ground storage tanks will provide additional capacity in the wholesale water distribution system and significantly decrease the possibility of service interruptions should the water treatment plant be compromised or when water line service repairs are needed.
Bay County Military Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Critical Structures Hardening
Harden critical structures at the Military Point Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant to withstand wind loads of up to 184 mph (Miami-Dade code). As a result of Hurricane Michael, many critical structures at the Military Point Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant were severely damaged or destroyed, compromising human safety and the highly sensitive and expensive equipment contained […]
Bay County Lift Station Bypass Pumps and Generators
Install backup bypass pumps and/or generators at all lift stations in the Bay County collection system. This project will ensure that the lift stations will continue to pump wastewater in the event of a loss in commercial power, significantly minimizing the potential for sewer backups and overflows.
Bay County Dirt Road Stabilization Project
Stabilization of County dirt roads, appr. 200 miles to prevent erosion during heavy rain events from entering Bay County natural resources that include wetlands, streams, creeks, bayous and stormwater.
Back Beach Road Extension
Extend the current road. Alleviate Traffic on Back Beach Road.
Animal Control hardened facility to act as “animal shelter”
Community needs safe / secure location to house pets during disasters.
Alf Coleman Drainage Improvements
Raising the roadway existing elevation approximately 3′ and providing a stormwater collection system for this basin to include a stormwater facility with associated structures and piping. During significant rainfall events, this roadway becomes submerged and must be shut down to local traffic only due to flooding. This roadway provides connection for two subdivisions and two […]
Additional “shovel ready” industrial sites at the Port of Panama City’s Intermodal Distribution Center
The project includes site improvements, road improvements, and utilities needed to add 80 acres of land to the certified industrial sites currently available at the Intermodal Distribution Center. Additional “shovel ready” industrial sites are needed to support Bay County’s ongoing industrial recruitment efforts.
15th St, Highway 77 and 231 sign ordinances
Beautification of main corridors in our communities
5G demo
Verizon has promised to partner with us and bring 5G to Panama City. We are the ONLY city in the south to be in tat position. Ask/support/pay for Verizon to set up a demonstration of the capability on the PC marina. Once the Navy/USAF/ scientists/student/universities can SEE what 5G offers, the opportunities will appear. Only […]
Fix the downtown ingress and egress routes
Return Harrison Ave to one way traffic and make additional space available for plants/trees/beautification and encourage outdoor dining, walking, bikes, etc This will require making Magnolia, Jenks, and Grace Avenues egress routes back from the marina. These don’t need to be fast but they need to facilitate parking, access and return routes. This step needs […]
Panama City Crayfish Conservation Habitat
The project shall include acquisition of 2,000 acres for future Panama City Crayfish conservation habitat. The purpose of this project is to facilitate the long term conservation of the Panama City crayfish which was impacted during Hurricane Michael. Benefits will include reduction/simplification of permitting regulations for residential, commercial and government entities; removal of regulations of […]
Modification of building codes for public and government buildings to sustain winds up to 160 mph
Establish a modification of building codes for public and government buildings to sustain winds up to 160 mph and incorporate the changes. Public and government buildings would be structurally sound and would sustain minimal damage if another hurricane were to occur. This could potentially provide emergency shelter, shorten the length of response time for government […]
Elevated pedestrian structures on Back Beach Road/US 98
The construction of pedestrian structures on Back Beach Road and US 98. This project would allow pedestrians to safely cross US 98 without the risk of conflict with vehicles on US 98 and would further increase the efficiency of US 98 by not forcing vehicles to stop for pedestrian traffic.
West Side Water Treatment Plant
Construct a water treatment plant on the west side of Deerpoint Lake to provide potable water to the west side of Bay County and Panama City. Currently there is a single water line from the Deerpoint Reservoir to the existing water plant from which all citizens receive their water.