Design and construct a new subaqueous potable water main underneath St. Andrews Bay at Hathaway Bridge. The existing water main was installed inside of the bridge during its construction in 2003 and supplies all potable water to eastern Panama City Beach. As a result of bridge movement, the water main is failing.
The proposed subaqueous water main will ensure the delivery of potable water and the viability of Panama City Beach. Reduce the potential negative traffic impacts to the Hathaway Bridge, which is the only connection from Panama City Beach to Panama City and visa versa. Approximately 70,000 vehicles per day cross Hathaway. Panama City Beach is a major economic driver for Bay County and accounts for approximately $2.5B in economy sales revenue. Panama City Beach is a major tourist destination that receives approximately 17 million visitors annually. Ensuring the delivery of sufficient quantity and quality of potable water is critical to maintaining the viability of the tourism industry.