
Alf Coleman Drainage Improvements

Raising the roadway existing elevation approximately 3′ and providing a stormwater collection system for this basin to include a stormwater facility with associated structures and piping. During significant rainfall events, this roadway becomes submerged and must be shut down to local traffic only due to flooding.  This roadway provides connection for two subdivisions and two […]

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Additional “shovel ready” industrial sites at the Port of Panama City’s Intermodal Distribution Center

The project includes site improvements, road improvements, and utilities needed to add 80 acres of land to the certified industrial sites currently available at the Intermodal Distribution Center. Additional “shovel ready” industrial sites are needed to support Bay County’s ongoing industrial recruitment efforts. +20

Additional “shovel ready” industrial sites at the Port of Panama City’s Intermodal Distribution Center Read More »

5G demo

Verizon has promised to partner with us and bring 5G to Panama City. We are the ONLY city in the south to be in tat position. Ask/support/pay for Verizon to set up a demonstration of the capability on the PC marina. Once the Navy/USAF/ scientists/student/universities can SEE what 5G offers, the opportunities will appear. Only

5G demo Read More »

Fix the downtown ingress and egress routes

Return Harrison Ave to one way traffic and make additional space available for plants/trees/beautification and encourage outdoor dining, walking, bikes, etc This will require making Magnolia, Jenks, and Grace Avenues egress routes back from the marina. These don’t need to be fast but they need to facilitate parking, access and return routes. This step needs

Fix the downtown ingress and egress routes Read More »

Panama City Crayfish Conservation Habitat

The project shall include acquisition of 2,000 acres for future Panama City Crayfish conservation habitat. The purpose of this project is to facilitate the long term conservation of the Panama City crayfish which was impacted during Hurricane Michael. Benefits will include reduction/simplification of permitting regulations for residential, commercial and government entities; removal of regulations of

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Modification of building codes for public and government buildings to sustain winds up to 160 mph

Establish a modification of building codes for public and government buildings to sustain winds up to 160 mph and incorporate the changes. Public and government buildings would be structurally sound and would sustain minimal damage if another hurricane were to occur. This could potentially provide emergency shelter, shorten the length of response time for government

Modification of building codes for public and government buildings to sustain winds up to 160 mph Read More »